إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

Online trademark application, trademark registration, trademark transfer, trademark purchase, trademark inquiry, one-click completion, providing over 300w+ tradable intellectual property trademark resources, so that you have your own trademark;

Brand consultants to provide you with brand design, trademark cases and other solutions;

[business module]

A trademark: it provides application services such as trademark purchase, registered trademark and trademark transfer, as well as online consultation on international trademark, trademark rights protection and trademark abnormality cases. It can improve the success rate of registration by inquiring before registration, submit the application on the same day and issue the application number within one working day. 3 million + quality trademark resources, 1000 + trademark primary channel resources, to buy trademarks at will!

Category B: patent alteration, invention application, design application, patent evaluation, annual fee payment.

[company profile]

As one of the well-known trademark trading apps in China, logo APP is subordinate to logo intellectual property co., LTD., which is dedicated to solving problems such as trademark registration, trademark transfer, brand authorization, and difficult trademark cases